The Products We Really Should Be Using When Washing Our Yoni
Step 1 of cleaning your vagina: don’t.
While you’re rubbing and scrubbing in the shower, you might find yourself wondering if--and how--you should be cleaning your cooch. And the honest answer is, you really shouldn't be cleaning it at all, kinda.
Let me explain...
The vagina (aka the internal part from the opening upward into your womb) is a self-cleaning organ, just like any other internal organ in your body. Good bacteria and other microbes keep the vagina at a healthy pH, and trying to clean it with soaps, douches, and even water can be harmful to your girl’s natural flow. Washing it can even have the opposite effect-- it can lead to infections and unpleasant odors.
A healthy vagina has a faint tangy scent. Some women have a stronger scent than others. Just like some of us have a stronger underarm odor than others. And we all know what a sweaty vagina smells like after a good workout (or the other thing--wink). Attempting to scrub away healthy and normal discharge or masking with chemical-filled products could be doing your girl more harm than good.If the scent is consistently fishy or has a very strong odor (not the occasional bad day or before/after your period), you could have an infection.
The inner and outer vulva (aka the external part, such as the clit, labia, urethra, and vaginal opening) should be washed with warm water. If you feel you need more than water, then use a clean ingredient feminine wash. There are tons of brands popping up that offer products with healthy ingredients. Try to avoid brands filled with unrecognizable ingredients.
Here’s our list of brands that provide clean and minimal ingredient fem washes.
And of course, Happy Girl’s Bush Oil and Vadge and Bum Refresher helps to keep your girl fresh all day
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About the
Allison Kindley is a Digital Media Production & Journalism student at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. She loves working with Team Happy Girl because she gets to inform others on feminine wellness, learn every day, write creatively, and empower women.