How To Treat Bumps on the Pubic Area (and Butt)
Waking up with an angry red zit in the middle of your forehead can make for a lousy start to your morning, and spotting unwanted bumps on your vag during your morning bathroom trip is no different.
Bumps form when bacteria, excess sebum, or ingrown hair gets trapped in our hair follicles. If the follicle becomes infected, it’s called folliculitis. Folliculitis can lead to outbreaks just about anywhere on your body, including your face, chest, and back-- even your vag and bum.
Vag-acne is more uncomfortable than it is harmful, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying. No matter how many episodes of Dr. Pimple Popper you’ve watched, it’s best not to pick at the bumps. Our follicles are easily irritated and attempting to pop the bump or extract the ingrown hair could cause the bacteria to spread, leaving you with an even bigger outbreak.
Vag Acne:
The main cause of vag acne is hair removal.
Improper shaving can lead to infected hair follicles and ingrown hairs, causing these pimples to form. Using dirty or old razors, not moistening the area, or shaving in the wrong direction can all lead to inflammation. Learn how to shave correctly here!
You can also get breakouts once the hair starts to grow back after waxing. Between waxes, exfoliate regularly to remove any dead skin or buildup that could lead to inflammation. It’s also best to apply a high-quality natural Hair Bump Serum.
Booty Acne:
Wearing tight clothes can make your nether regions moist and sweaty, creating the right conditions for breakouts to occur on the bum. Wearing sweaty gym clothes or a wet bathing suit for a long time can also make breakouts more likely. Your body might be telling you to switch up your wardrobe and let your booty breeeeeathe.
Butt acne can also be caused by dry skin or eczema. Similarly to vag acne, exfoliating will help! By regularly cleaning the area with a mild soap and exfoliating, you can remove dirt and buildup that might cause breakouts on the bum.
Quick recap… how do we prevent vag and butt acne?
Keep those areas as dry as possible. Make sure you shower right after the gym; don’t lounge on the couch in your sweaty yoga pants. Don’t wear wet clothing for any longer than you must.
Avoid anything too tight-fitting. Wear loose pants and underwear, or switch to something with a more breathable material.
Wash, wash, wash! It’s important to give your vag some extra care when showering, but it should only be with mild, fragrance-free soaps that promote a healthy pH balance. Check the ingredients before you lather it on down there.
Use clean razors, and don’t share with other people! This can transfer bacteria and lead to more breakouts.
Don’t over exfoliate. You can't exfoliate “away” a hair bump. Over-exfoliating can cause damage and sensitivity to your skin. Exfoliating means shedding of dead skin. It takes dead skin a couple of days to grow back, so the best practice is to exfoliate 1-2 times per week, skipping days.
Here at Happy Girl, we try to fight off bumps before they happen. Happy Girl’s Vadge Hair Bump Serum is designed to remove vag bumps, booty bumps, alllllll the bumps, no matter where they are on your body. This natural serum will have your girl happy and bump-free in no time.
Since our nether regions are extra sensitive, it’s important to give them all the care they need. While these bumps are typically harmless, we understand that they can be annoying and sometimes embarrassing. If your struggle is more severe, then check out this article for the deets on severe outbreaks.
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The author.
Allison Kindley is a Digital Media Production & Journalism student at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. She loves working with Team Happy Girl because she gets to inform others on feminine wellness, learn every day, write creatively, and empower women.