The Truth About Boric Acid
What is Boric Acid?
In recent years, boric acid has gained popularity as an alternative treatment for recurring yeast infections as well as bacterial vaginosis. However, boric acid is not a new concept-- people have been using it to treat minor wounds, such as scrapes, cuts, burns, and as a pesticide for many years. It’s a natural substance that contains antiseptic, antifungal, and antiviral properties that have convinced many people it’s a “magic fix-all” for dealing with a variety of bodily issues, especially for women trying to figure out what the heck is going on in our lady bits.
When used to treat BV or yeast infections, boric acid is often taken in the form of vaginal suppositories to reduce the risk of recurring infections and to treat existing infections. It’s a popular choice for treatment due to the fact it comes as an over-the-counter solution and doesn’t require a prescription. Women have often turned to boric acid out of desperation after antibiotics and multiple trips to the doctor have failed to prevent and/or ease their infections.
So… you put pesticide in your vag?
Pretty much. Suppositories are medications that are inserted into a bodily orifice other than the mouth—usually your vag or your booty hole. Your body warmth melts the outside of the substance, slowly releasing the contents into your body and bloodstream.
Never take anything with boric acid orally. It’s TOXIC when taken by mouth, and can lead to very serious symptoms and health problems. It’s even best to refrain from oral sex a few days after inserting a boric acid suppository, because the toxicity can still be an issue. And NEVER USE IT IF YOU’RE PREGNANT. There’s not enough research to know if it’ll effect the fetus.
Is boric acid healthy?
A lot of the appeal of boric acid comes from it being a natural substance, and an easy at-home remedy to a multitude of vag-related issues. However, problems can occur when too much of it is used, or if it is used regularly.
Boric acid works by killing off the bacteria in your vaginal biosphere that is causing harm to your body. However, it may not always tell the difference between what’s good and what’s bad-- so it may kill off the good stuff too just like antibiotics. (Research is still being done on this.)
Can I use it for odor?
NO! Boric acid should never be used to change or alter the natural scent of your vagina. Vagina’s should have a natural odor, and using boric acid monthly to attempt to reduce it can kill the important bacteria that keeps your lady healthy. Washing your vulva is a safer, more effective way to maintain its natural, healthy odors. Using boric acid regularly, such as using it to “freshen up” after your period, can be more damaging to your body than helpful. Allow your body to release its natural discharge. For the most part, Lady V knows how to take care of herself!
If you’re using boric acid monthly for an infection, then something’s not working. You take an antibiotic to fight off an infection, and stop using it when the infection goes away. Boric acid should be no different. Many women are treating it like “Douching 2.0,” using it to regularly wash out their vagina instead of using it to purposefully treat and prevent infections.
The only way to know how to use boric acid properly is to do microbial testing.
What is Microbial Testing?
Microbial testing is a test that measures all of your vaginal microbes so you can be empowered to make educated decisions on how to care for your body and meet its needs. This test can inform you as to what microbes are missing, as well as how you can get and keep your microbial biome balanced. To learn more about microbial testing, check out our article here.
If you don’t know what you’re fighting, how can you fight it? Boric acid does a good job of killing the bacteria, but is it killing the good bacteria too just like antibiotics? The jury is still out on that one being that there's not a lot of research surrounding the use of Boric Acid. Microbial testing empowers you to know which good bacteria you're missing.
Taking Action
Taking boric acid monthly is not the answer-- being knowledgeable about the health of your vagina is. Microbial testing allows you to get curated results that specifically reflect the state of your secret garden, so you can receive proper treatment or make any necessary lifestyle changes to promote lady V’s health and well-being. It’s crucial to be knowledgeable about what’s going on in your body, because the only person who can be your #1 health advocate is YOU!
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The author.
Allison Kindley is a Digital Media Production & Journalism student at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. She loves working with Team Happy Girl because she gets to inform others on feminine wellness, learn every day, write creatively, and empower women.