Poop Etiquette At Work. 3 Genius Tips Not To Stink Up The Bathroom!

The situation. You’ve finished your lunch break and you’re back at your work desk when suddenly there’s an uncomfortable bubbling feeling coming from your belly. The burrito bowl you ate is prairie doggin’ and you fear you might need a bathroom trip to drop a deuce. 

Pooping in public can be embarrassing. What if it smells? What if it’s loud? What if you leave streaks on the toilet? What if everyone else in the bathroom knows you’re pooping? 

No need to fear, sis, Happy Girl is here! 

Pooping in public doesn’t have to be a socially-embarrassing nightmare. Here are our 3 genius tips to keep you from stinking up the bathroom before, during, and after your next potty break.

Poo-Pourri Prep

The easiest way to avoid a smelly situation next time you feel something brewing is to prep beforehand. A travel-sized Poo-Pourri might be your new best pal! They use essential oils and plant-based ingredients to stop the stink before you go. All you need is a spray or two, and those odors will be trapped inside the bowl. You’ll be free to get back to work without having to worry about leaving any unpleasant odors behind.

The Courtesy Flush 

Did you know it’s actually better to flush just as your deuce hits the toilet rather than waiting till you’re done? That way, all the smells will be expelled right down the drain before they have time to stink up the stall. It also helps prevent stains on the toilet bowl by minimizing the time sticky poop sits before flushing down.

Keepin’ it Clean 

Before you leave, make sure you leave the throne just as clean as you found it. If you drop a deuce at someone’s house, they’re most likely going to have a toilet brush laying around nearby. Leave a few streaks? No problem! Put in some cleaner or a couple of squirts of hand soap to scrub it clean to hide the evidence, and wash the brush off when done. Make sure you don’t leave any pieces of tissue or poop stains on the toilet seat. It might feel gross to clean up after yourself, but no one else wants to clean up after you, either! Wipe the seat down with a damp tissue and make sure no residue is left behind before leaving the stall.

After-poop care is important. When wiping, use a front-to-back motion to keep poo germs from getting all up in your lady bits. Skip dry wiping and use Happy Girl’s vadge and bum refresher. It's crafted with simple and pure ingredients to keep your hoo-ha healthy and free of infections or germs. 

And seriously, don’t forget to flush! No one wants to walk in on a brown surprise. It’s just the polite thing to do. 

Pooping is normal – all of us do it! There’s no need to be ashamed or embarrassed, but these simple steps can help calm your poo-xiety next time you’re dropping a #2 on the go. 


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The author.

Allison Kindley is a Digital Media Production & Journalism student at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. She loves working with Team Happy Girl because she gets to inform others on feminine wellness, learn every day, write creatively, and empower women.

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