Oprah's Vagina Spray
Photo Credit: Oprah Daily
Did you hear? Oprah received a custom-made vagina spray from skincare brand Dr. Barbara Sturm called V-spritz this Holiday Season. Brian Underwood, the writer of the article with Oprah Daily shared "There are gifts that are surprising. Then there are gifts that make you exclaim, 'I didn't even know that was thing.'
Yep! It's a thing, and Happy Girl Products is a proud originator of this life changing method in staying all day fresh.
Its actually a top gifting item during the holidays, showers and other fun events that get the vagina conversation going.
The vagina conversation is no longer taboo as more product lines pop up that serve the female genitalia. If high-end skincare brand Dr. Barbara Sturm chooses to introduce V-spritz it may cost about $100.00 a pop. Yikes! Not that your vagina (technically vulva) doesn't deserve it, but lucky for you Happy Girl already has a special spray for your special girl called the Vadge and Bum Refresher. And it won't break the bank.
It's packed with all the good stuff to enhance vaginal health, keep your vulva happy and keep the tush clean (especially after you poo ). Plus, the plant ingredients also help relieve outer Hemorrhoids. Win. Win.
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By: Happy Girl Products